Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can i brake in to the school's computer?

every school's computer has this one security thing, and say i want to go myspace, i can't cuz of that one security sshit. how can i brake in???????

How can i brake in to the school's computer?norton antivirus 2007

LOL! You need to be smarter than the system administrators! If the ports on the Firewall are blocked you may be out of luck., Only thing I can think if is using some type of port proxy program.


How can i brake in to the school's computer?product key

try this you will need a thumb drive

Or a proxy or backdoor but if yous schools like mine the block like all of them

Obviously you need to stay in school for a couple more years since brake is spelled break in this situation unless it is a very special computer that has a braking system on it.
You don't break into the schools computers to use myspace. You can google ''web proxy.'' It's sort of a website blanket so you can go into a blocked site by using another site. Some school computers have alot of security, so you may have to try a few in order to get through.

You shouldn't be using the school's computer to check out myspace anyway. They're for educational purposes only - not for you to email your dumb little friends, post bulletins and check out girls and crap. You need to get your learn on - word yo.

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