Friday, August 20, 2010

New computer from questionable operating system..?

I just purchased a new computer that came with windows xp pro, vista version, sp2.

I don't know the vendor I bought it from (ebay purchase) and worry about the questionable vendor may be putting something on the computer that would compromise security.

Is there anyway to reload windows without the disks?

Is there anyway to tell? Or am I just being to paranoid?

New computer from questionable operating system..?live update

You can't install windows without installation CD. you have the computer check it out see what's on the hard drive.

New computer from questionable operating system..?norten

I you didn't get a disks and there is no ''restore'' partition on this computer, then you really didn't get an operating system with this machine. I.E. you have no way to reinstall if the system crashes.

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