Sunday, August 15, 2010

My computer will not let me log on certain sites. It says error on page.?

I am not sure if I have something disabled on my computer. But anytime I log onto anything financial it would let me log on it reads error on page. I recently updated my security system on my computer I am wondering if that has something to do with it.

My computer will not let me log on certain sites. It says error on page.?best antivirus software

It sounds like your security settings are too high.

On internet explorer

click 'tools' (at the top of your page)

click 'internet options'

click 'security'

now, make sure it is set to medium or medium high.

click 'apply' and then 'okay' and restart your browser.

good luck (also check the settings on your firewall)

My computer will not let me log on certain sites. It says error on page.?firewall

just says error?
if ur behind a firewall check the status of firewall if it is bloacking those sites

or ur activex controls in d internet explorer r set to high so tht u r not able 2 download activex frm some sites
According to your description,there are some regsitry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause ''page error''.You need to clean you computer.

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